A list of my works and projects

The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the pursuit of universal health coverage in Malaysia

Master's dissertation • 2023

A literature review in the application of AI and ML in health financing and developmetn decisions. All of the included studies (n=12) used on-premise programming software and at research model stage. Personally, I think there is potential use of cloud solutions for scalability and economies of scale into the real-world applications. Part of requirement of master's degree.

Tableau Public • Present

This dashboard is inspired by the Bank of England (BoE) use of Tableau to present its finding to the public. Replicating the BoE's annual statistics release produced by PRA regulatory data.

Flourish Public • Present

This racing bar chart were created using Flourish Studio to visualise time-series development of world's population by countries, that reached its 8th billion in November 2022.